Behind starburst eyes

New Year’s Resolutions

 I know that commonly here in Canada many people make New Year’s Resolutions, and a great deal of them are self improvement ones. I admit mine is no different.

My one and only resolution this year is to learn sign language so that I can fully communicate with my amazing niece 🙂 She’s 4 years old and sign language is becoming a big part of how she now communicates. I already know some signs from using it with Mr. C,  I’ve been using some with Mr. N since he was tiny as well, and with Miss. G not really speaking much yet, I find it very useful with her as well. But I want to learn more than “just some” I don’t want to “get by” I want to have full conversations with Miss. F as well as my own wee ones using sign language as I will be teaching them what I learn so they too can communicate with their cousin as well.


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