Behind starburst eyes

Creating a behavioural therapy plan

on October 24, 2013

Just after my last blog post I spoke with N’s doctor (at least I spoke with her assistant) in regards to an appointment to discuss a behavioural therapy plan for him while he’s on the wait list for behavioural therapy through their site. I was told that if I only had paperwork for her to look over I could drop it off as his next scheduled appointment wasn’t until March 2014. 

I was pleased that she was willing to look over the paperwork now instead of having to wait several more months. To that end I have completed a behavioural therapy plan for him and tomorrow when I go there for N’s speech therapy group session I’ll be dropping it off. I’m hopeful that she will like it, and that she’ll agree it’s a sound plan for N until he finally has his own behavioural therapist to create such things for him. 

One response to “Creating a behavioural therapy plan

  1. […] are decreased through regular physical activities so they have less overloading and meltdowns. Or making behavioural therapy plans while their waiting for ABA, or creating a sensory room, or finding ways such as massage or […]

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